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What? The story of my life –Rolls eyes- What for? Well, alright, but prepare to be bored. Last chance? I warned you. Uhmm, once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away… no? –Smirk- Ok, well my childhood was rough, really, really rough… only not really. Dad owned a small business, he fixed old typewriters and mom and uncle Niall owned a bar… what? Yeah, super classy joint -Shakes head- Of course some months were rougher than others, but I can't complain, I mean we had some pretty weird guests, but ehee –Shrugs- I didn't know at the time, I mean I was like 12 when they took me to the caern for the first time. Yeah, that's when I learned. All the eyes were on me, it kinda creeped me out. And the tests...what a headache and worse part was they couldn't be tell, there was this spirit or whatever that didn't allow them to be sure-Rolls eyes- Of course my parents took that as "She will be a werewolf for sure". Talk about wishful thinking -Shakes head- There hadn't been a Garou in the family since in like forever and everyone expected me to be it. Last one was dad's pawpa Kaden Moore. Ohh I heard all about him, he used to run a crew, uhmm pack, out east -Nod- Yeah before dad moved to Seattle. Ohhh mom's side of the family also had some wolves, Earlene Moore and Maddie O'Sullivan. Ohh yeah Maddie was badass, I mean, Shane told me people still talk about her. Yeah, from Chicago. Well, she was real old then, but I'm sure she helped out in the attack. I mean she was a total badass. Ohh and Daan Mullen, unc Niall has his portrait. You heard of him? No ? He was like all spiritual and stuff. Yeah, that is what they told me, he knew all the rites and stuff. He learned that stuff back in Ireland, but that was like way back. What? Yeah, Shane was there to–Nods- Yeah, with uncle Niall. Nah, he was older, 14 I think? So, I was supposed to be the first werewolf in the family in like seven decades. Yeah, it would have been awesome. Ohh, they never shut up about it. I learned all the rules and traditions and whatever… although and to be honest, I preferred if they left me alone with my records. That is when Shane turned, everyone was super happy and they kept saying Tipper is next. One year later I was still next, two years, three, by the fourth… what can you do? Honestly, I was relieved. I mean I couldn't handle the pressure and I was happy it was finally over. Yeah that is when I moved out. Nah, I worked as a waitress first…Tip her More? Yeah, everyone is a comedian nowadays. Yeah, after that, I scored that job in the record shop. Nah, I don't hate it, I just pretend like I do –Smirk-Yeah I keep in touch with my parents…mean duh, they are my parents. Shane? When I can… he knows this guy in town. Big fella with a weird accent, nah he's cool, we are totally down. Anyway, I guess that is it… so you gonna buy that record or what?

Tipper Moore

She Bangs the Drums - The Stone Roses
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